Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #531
December 15th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine
On news stands everywhere tomorrow, in comic book shops this week, in most subscriber’s mailboxes already and available digitally immediately via the MAD iPad app:
MAD #531 (February 2015)
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- MAD’s First-Ever Guarantee (Writer: Dick DeBartolo)
- The Fundalini Pages (Jeff Kruse, John Martz, Bob Staake, Rick Tulka, Bob Eckstein, Rick Tulka, Anton Emdin, Tom Bunk)
- The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2014
- The NFL’s Domestic Violence Problem (Uncredited)
- Ebola Hysteria (Uncredited)
- The GM Recall Debacle (Matt Lassen, Scott Bricher)
- The Militarization of the Police Dept (Desmond Devlin, Richard Williams)
- Target’s Security Breach (Writer: Darren Johnson)
- Obama Caught Off Guard (Artist: Richard Williams)
- The “Booty Trend” (Artist: Hermann Mejia)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- American Apparel’s CEO Pervert (Jason Katzenstein and Dan Abromowitz, Gary Hallgren)
- Hilary Clinton Cries Poverty (Uncredited)
- The Washington Redskins Stand by Their Name (Writer: Desmond Devlin)
- Chris Christie’s Traffic Scandal (Artist: Ward Sutton)
- CNN’s Endless Flight Coverage (Artist: Timothy Shamey)
- Cliven Bundy’s Standoff (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond)
- Rick Perry’s “Intelligent” New Look (Writer: Mike Morse)
- White House Security Breaches (Artist: Scott Bricher)
- Putin Invades Ukraine (Idea: Matt Lassen)
- Donald Sterling’s Racist Rant (Artist: Drew Friedman)
- The Iraq War “Experts” (Lance Hansen, Mark Fredrickson)
- The V.A. Hospital Scandal (Alison Grambs, Mark Stutzman)
- 8 Keys to Becoming a More Effective Supervillian (John Caldwell)
- A MAD Look at the Old Testament (Sergio Aragon?©s, Colorist: Tom Luth)
- Planet Tad (Writer: Tim Carvell)
- The MAD Vault- MAD #325, Feb 1994 (Desmond Devlin, Tom Bunk)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- The Strip Club (Dakota McFadzean, Kenny Keil, Lance Hansen, Kit Livery & Scott Nickel, Jason Yungbluth, Phil McAndrew, David DeGrand, Noah Van Scriver)
- Chilling Thoughts- 2014 Edition (Desmond Devlin, Evan Dorkin)
- Best of the Idiotical (Various)
- One Evening at the White House (Artist: Tom Richmond)
- Drawn Out Dramas– Throughout the issue (Sergio Aragon?¬©s)
I have two pieces in this issue, one being the printed version of the single page gag “One Evening at the White House” first posted on MAD‘s website. The other is a spoof of the movie poster for “A Million Ways to Die in the West” Starring Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, and a cow (who is arguably the most intelligent mammal in the image). I’ll post a peek at that when MAD gives me the ok.
In the meantime… what are you waiting for?!? Go out and buy a copy, clod!
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