Richmond Illustration Inc.
On The Stands: MAD #534!
June 15th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow:
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.)
- The Fundalini Pages (Matt Lassen, Ward Sutton, Tim Hamilton, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kenny Keil, Jose Garibaldi, Emily Flake, Jeff Kruse, Rick Tulka, Samuel Ferri, Scott Maiko, John Kerschbaum, Justin Peterson, Tom Cheney, Garth Gerhart)
- Chris Christie’s World (J.C. Duffy, Richard Williams)
- Ray Drearyman (Arnie Kogen, Tom Richmond)
- Amazing #lifehacks That Will Totally Change Your #life! (Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Planning for your Summer Music Festival (Kenny Keil, John Martz)
- When Minions really Go Bad (John Caldwell)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvell)
- A MAD Look at Cosplay (Sergio Aragonés, colorist: Jim Cambell)
- New Ideas to Speed Up Baseball (Mike Morse, Bob Staake)
- New Ideas to Slow Down Baseball (Jeff Kruse, Bob Staake)
- The Haunting Legend of Echo Point (John Caldwell, Phil McAndrew)
- The Mad Vault- From MAD #264, July 1986 (Artist: Paul Coker, Writer: Tom Koch)
- Despicable People Live-Tweet Minions (Artist: Anton Emdin)
- The Strip Club (Kenny Keil, K.C.Green, Liniers, Kevin Werth, Christopher Baldwin, Nathan Cooper)
- Fashion Police Takes On The Avengers (Mike Morse, Hermann Mejia)
- Pocket Hose Ad Parody (Dick DeBartolo, Scott Bricher)
- The Best of the Idiotical (Uncredited)
- Things You Don’t Want to Hear from Your Uber Driver (Matt Lassen, Tom Bunk)
- Drawn Out Dramas- Various margins throughout the magazine (Sergio Aragonés)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
My contribution to this issue is the art on a six page parody of Showtime’s “Ray Donovan”, written by Arnie Kogen. I’ll post a sneak peek of that tomorrow.
Now, What are you waiting for… a furshlugginer invitation?!? Go out and buy a copy, clod!
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