Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #538
February 22nd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Available tomorrow everywhere magazines are still sold (if you can find any of those places)!!:
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.)
- The Fundalini Pages (Chris Houghton, Bob Eckstein, Caitlin Bitzegaio, Desmond Devlin, Rick Tulka, Tom Hamilton, Matt Lassen, Paul Coker, Jeff Kruse, Phil McAndrew, Tom Cheney, Mike Morse, Evan Dorkin & Sarah Dyer, Samuel Ferri, Josh Mecouch, Shannon Wheeler, Justin Peterson, Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope, P.C. Vey)
- Donald: GOPNuts- A MAD Political Movie Poster (Uncredited)
- A MAD Look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Sergio Aragonés, colorist: Jim Campbell)
- William Shakespeare, Pothead? (Desmond Devlin, Rick Geary)
- Taylor Swift Fun Facts (Mike Morse & Evan Waite, John Martz)
- 13 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Hoverboards (Artist: Tom Bunk)
- The Real Reasons Batman and Superman Hate Each Other (Kenny Keil, Hermann Mejia)
- Sure-Fire Ways Your Parents Will Know You Had A Party (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Star Wars: The Sales Force Awakens (David Richards, Scott Bricher)
- The Strip Club (Kit Lively & Scott Nickel, Christopher Baldwin, Peet Tamburino, Dakota McFadzean, Charles Brubaker & Pat Dorian, John Caldwell & Jacob Chabot)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvel)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Make Your Own Batman v Superman Movie (Writer: Matt Roppolis)
- MAD’s Completely Honest Domino’s Tracker (Kenny Keil, Rich Powell)
- The Hunger Pains: Much Delay Parts 1 & 2 (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond)
- The Mad Vault- From MAD #328, June 1994 (Tom Cheney)
- How to Avoid the Filthiest Parts of Airports and Airplanes (Dick DeBartolo, Gary Hallgren)
- Drawn Out Dramas- Various margins throughout the magazine (Sergio Aragonés)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- MAD Redesigns the U.S. Map (Al Jaffee)
My contribution to this issue is a whopping eight pages of art on Des Devlin‘s spoof of “The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2”. Eight pages! I’d say that’s a lot… but wait until MAD #539! I’ll post a sneak peek of this shortly (The Hunger Games parody, not MAD #539!)
Now, What are you waiting for… a furshlugginer invitation?!? Go out and buy a copy, clod!
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