Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #539
April 18th, 2016 | Posted in General
In subscribers mailboxes, comic book shops and via digital now, and on news stands tomorrow!!:
- Cover (Tom Richmond)
- Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.)
- The Fundalini Pages (Jeff Kruse, John Martz, Matt Lassen, Tom Hart, Rick Tulka, Mike Leow, Evan Waite, Kevin Pope, Kenny Keil, Stephen Silver, Bob Staake, Shannon Wheeler, Dick Debartolo, Ward Sutton, P.C. Vey, Josh Mecouch, Anton Emdin)
- The Trumpalini Pages (Artist: Hermann Mejia)
- Star Bores: The Snores Awaken (David Richards, Tom Richmond)
- A MAD Look at Man Caves (Sergio Aragonés, colorist: Jim Campbell)
- Chilling Thoughts (Desmond Devlin, Jonathan Edwards)
- Obama’s Gray Hairs (Desmond Devlin, Sam Sisco)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- The Darker Side of the Lighter Side (Dave Berg)
- MAD’s Stress Inducing Adult Coloring Book (Artist: Timothy Shamey)
- The Strip Club (Dakota McFadzean, Nathan Cooper, John McNamee, Lance Hansen, Christopher Baldwin, John Kovaleski, Tony Murphy, Kevin Werth, Kit Lively and Scott Nickel)
- MAD’s Disgustingly Realistic Shopping Cart (Leah Prinzivalli, Rich Powell)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvel)
- One Day at the Eating Championship (Lance Hansen and Kit Lively, Tom Bunk)
- Banana Republican: 2016 Campaign Collection (Frank Santopadre and Evan Waite, Scott Bricher)
- The Mad Vault- From MAD #480, June August 2007 (John Caldwell)
- Adele: The Complete Catalogue (Peter Kuper)
- Drawn Out Dramas- Various margins throughout the magazine (Sergio Aragonés)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Kick the E-Cigarette Habit (Writer: Nathan Cooper)
Besides the cover my contribution to this issue is a ginormous NINE pages of art on David Richards‘ spoof of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. I’ll post a sneak peek of this tomorrow.
Now, What are you waiting for… a furshlugginer invitation?!? Go out and buy a copy, clod!
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