Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #545!
April 10th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital now, on news stands next Tuesday!!:
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.)
- Remembering Gerry Gersten (John Ficarra, MAD Executive Editor)
- The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Ward Sutton, Jonathan Edwards, Bob Eckstein, Bob Staake, John Kerschbaum, Sam Sisco, Aabye-Gayle D. Francis-Favilla, Rich Powell, Christian Alsis, Alejandro Rivas, Jeff Kruse, Steve Silver, Jose Garibaldi, Kevin Pope)
- World Flags (Writer: Desmond Devlin)
- Rough One: A Star Bores Snorer (David Richards, Tom Richmond)
- A MAD Look at YouTube (Sergio Aragonés, Colorist: Tom Luth)
- No Donald! (Kenny Keil, Sam Viviano and Jim Campbell)
- The MAD Vault- Duck Edwing D.O.A. (Duck Edwing): MAD #302, April 1991
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- MAD’s Quick & Easy Office Exercises (Dick DeBartolo, John Martz)
- Dewey Derwin Destroys the World! (Kenny Keil, Justin Peterson)
- The Strip Club (Dakota McFadzean, Noah Van Sciver, John McNamee, Kyle Bridgett, David DeGrand, Nathan Cooper)
- Decimated Survivor (Arnie Kogen, Tom Bunk)
- Supreme Court Cases Waiting to be Heard (Jeff Kruse, Anton Emdin)
- The Gap-Toothed Gallery (Rick Meyerowitz)
- Drawn Out Dramas- Various margins throughout the magazine (Sergio Aragonés)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Back Cover- Glass Ceiling Plus (Alison Grambs, Photo: Irving Schild)
Several websites have posted exclusive sneak peeks at a few of the features in this issue, including David Richard‘s and my parody of “Rogue One”. I’ve linked them to the titles of the features above. I’ll post a look at a few of the other panels from that parody tomorrow.
Now, What are you waiting for… a furshlugginer invitation?!? Go out and buy a copy, clod!
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