Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #546!
June 5th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital now, on news stands next Tuesday!!:
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.)
- The
FundaliniTrumpalini Pages (Bob Staake, Barry Liebmann, Rick Tulka, Anton Emdin, Ward Sutton) - The Fundalini Pages (Mike Morse, Stephen Sulver, P.C. Vey, Todd Clark, Emily Flake, Jeff Kruse, Rich Powell, Kenny Keil, Jose Garibaldi, McKinley Rodriguez, Peter Kuper)
- This Wall (Dick DeBartolo, Tom Richmond)
- What’s That Smell? (Charlie Kadau, Tom Bunk)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Mare Your Own Anti- Trump Rant (Matt Lassen, Sam Sisco)
- A MAD Look at Practical Jokes (Sergio Aragonés, Colorist: Tom Luth)
- Not-Too-Brightbart (Scott Maiko, Mike Loew)
- Enjoying Yo0r Parent’s Fights for Fun and Profit (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Dewey Derwin Destroys the World! (Kenny Keil, Justin Peterson)
- The MAD Vault- “Don’t Be Fooled” (Artist: Gerry Gersten, Writer: Frank Jacobs): MAD #285, March 1989
- The Strip Club (Kyle Bridgett, Nathan Cooper, John McNamee, Scott Nickel, D.R. Beitzel)
- New National Park Upgrades for the Modern Explorer (Kenny Keil, John Martz)
- MAD’s Celebrity Supermarket (Matt Lassen, Scott Bricher)
- Recipe Directions You Hope You Never Read (Jeff Kruse, Paul Coker)
- Planet Tad!!!!! (Tim Carvell)
- A TV Ad We’ll Soon See (Christian Alsis, Alejandro Rivas)
- The Worst Things about Marijuana (Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope)
- The Gap-Toothed Gallery (Mo Willems)
- Drawn Out Dramas- Various margins throughout the magazine (Sergio Aragonés)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
Since the host of “The Wall” game show Chris Hardwicke posted the splash page from Dick DeBartolo and my parody of the show that appears in this issue, I think it’s safe to share some of it here. I’ll post that splash and a look at a few of the other panels from that parody tomorrow.
Now, What are you waiting for… a furshlugginer invitation?!? Go out and buy a copy, clod!
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Mark Fredrickson outdid himself on that cover! The Alfred E. Newman/Jared Kushner caricature is like nothing I’ve ever seen before!
Came to say something similar but you nailed it. That is crazy how he did that.
The cover says it all and is worth the sales price by itself!