On the Stands: MAD #7!

Available everywhere right now!
- Cover (Chris Wahl)
- Inside Cover (Mitch O’Connell)
- Awkward, Man! (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Let’s have Fun with your Staggering Debt! (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Modern Gig Economist (Jesse Koester, Ed Steckley)
- New Evolutionism! (Hurricane Ivan)
- Jack and Jim Gaffigan’s Easy 15-Step Recipoe for Avocado Toast (Jack & Jim Gaffigan, Sam Viviano)
- A MAD Look at Virtual Reality (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Tom Luth)
- Potrzebie Comics
- Cover (Kerry Callen)
- The 27 Club (Luke McGarry)
- Shazam Funnies (Kerry Callen)
- PLOP #1! (Special insert*)
- Lukey & Mukey (Bob Fingerman)
- Flesh Tape (Dick DeBartolo, Evan Dorkin, Colors: Sarah Dyer)
- Meanwhile… (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra)
- A Very Fine Wall (Rebecca Bohanan, Travis Millard)
- The Lighter Side of Fear (Tammy Golden, Jon Adams)
- Time Travel Study Buddies (Simon Rich & Farley Katz, Farley Katz)
- Avenjerks: Is This Evert Gonna End-Game? (Ian Boothby, Gideon Kendall)
- The Wisenheim Museum (Drew Friedman)
- Shorts & Briefs
- Satan’s 666 Commmandments (Kit Lively, Rob Israel)
- Panel Cartoon (Jason Chatfield)
- Panel Cartoon (Peter Kuper)
- Panel Cartoon (Bob Eckstein)
- Prom Tips for the Socially Awkward (Kenny Keil, A Person)
- Stamps We’d Like to See (Jeff Kruse, Sarah Chalek )
- Humor While You Wait (Kyle Bridgett)
- Panel Cartoon (P.C. Vey)
- Panel Cartoon (Lars Kenseth)
- The Bad Roomate (Arie Kaplan, David DeGrand)
- Panel Cartoon (Lars Kenseth)
- INCOMING! (Reader Letters answered by intern Alex Taffer)
- The MADifesto (Jon Zeller)
- Real Dumb (Mike Holmes, submitted by Tom Salemme)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragonés)
*The insert of Plop! #1 is a reprint of the first issue of the short lived humor/horror title published by DC comics from 1973-75. Cover by Basil Wolverton, interior art by various contributors including Sergio Aragonés, Bernie Wrightson and others. This insert is only available in “Direct Market” (i.e. comic book store) versions of MAD #7, and feature a slight cover variation as well replacing “The Avengers” upper tease with “Plop! No. 1”.
My contribution this issue is the art for a 6 page movie parody of “Aquaman” written by Desmond Devlin. you can check out the splash page here. I’ll post one more little sneak peek of a panel tomorrow.
I also just want to point out the triumphant return of Sam Viviano to the Usual Gang of Idiots! Sam spent almost 20 years as the Art Director of MAD but of course before that he was a freelancer doing, among other things, movie and TV parodies! While Sam did a fantastic caricature of the late Nick Meglin for issue #3 this is really his first “assignment” for the new MAD!
So…. What are you waiting for??? Go out and buy a copy, you schmuck!
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