On Vacation?!?
Yep. It’s not too often I take any real time off during the summer, but The Lovely Anna and I are taking our recently graduated and off to college daughter The Dramatic Victoria to the Caribbean island of St. Martin/St. Marteen for a week as her graduation present. Believe it or not, a little one on two time with just us is what she wanted for graduation (well, the Mini Cooper was out of the question so this is choice number two) so we are off today. As always, thorough the magic of post-dated blogging and hopefully a decent wifi connection at our condo The MAD Blog will roll on.
… and yes, I am bringing a little bit of work with me. Just pencil sketches for a few different projects so nothing too strenuous. It’s going to take a few days to recover from the multiple near-all nighters I just pulled to get out of town without blowing any deadlines.
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Have Fun!!!
Me and the wife have been to the other side (Riverera) on a cruise.. It was BEA-utiful!
Take lotsa pictures and let us know what y’all do!
How’s the vacation going? Hope it’s awesome and relaxing!
Going great! Getting a lot of rest and sun. Eating too much rich food… I’ll have to get serious at the gym when I get back.