On the Stands: MAD #16!

Well, not “on the stands” since MAD is no longer on newsstands anywhere. It’s not in comic book shops either because that won’t happen until Wednesday, assuming you can find a copy in a comic book shop at all. It is, however, in most subscriber’s mailboxes already.
I’m no longer going to list the contents of the issues, since the vast majority of it is reprinted material. I’ll just list anything that’s new. So here you go:
- Cover (Bob Lizarraga)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Dastardly Dr. Bunk’s MAD Monster Lab (Tom Bunk)
- Classic Movie Scenes We’d Like to See (Sergio Aragonés)
- Fold-In (Johnny Sampson)
This issue is obviously halloween themed, and contains three horror movie spoofs and multiple horror gag features amid the reprinted stuff. Tom Bunk‘s all-new two page spread is worth the magazine’s cover price all by itself. Great cover by Bob Lizarraga also, and Johnny Sampson keeps batting 1.000 with the Fold-In. Since Peter Kuper‘s SvS is NOT horror/halloween themed I’m guessing it’s something from the “evergreen” drawer, so we still do not have a definitive answer as to if SvS will keep being new material or not. Sergio’s “A MAD Look at…: is a reprint from 1968, but he does have a never-before-published piece in this issue, although for some reason it’s in black and white and not color.
Readers may notice that previous efforts by MAD to colorize reprint articles so there is at least SOMETHING new about them seems to be abandoned. Only one reprint article was colored in this issue, a one pager. All other classic material appears in its original black and white.
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I think there were two reprint articles that were colorized, both by Strachan (“A Monster Gag”, p. 21, and :The Werewolf”, p. 37). It is a bit of a head scratcher as to why Suzy Hutchinson is credited as “Colorist” for Aragones’ “Classic Move Scenes We’d Like to See”, p. 45-46, when it is only gray, black, and white (those are technically colors, I guess).