Original MAD Page Auction to Support Injured Veterans

Jake Tapper, George Clooney and a few other celebrities are hosting an auction featuring, among other things, some cartoon artwork by the likes of Garry Trudeau, Bunny Hoest & John Reiner, Stephan Pastis, and many others. The proceeds go to Homes for Our Troops, benefiting wounded veterans. I have the original MAD page you see above in the auction which was Unfortunately they do not do a very good job of explaining what this page is. It’s part of the feature “Xander and Kam’s Sneaky Previews” that was published in MAD #2, featuring a short spoof of the movie “Solo” and a quick appearance by Deadpool in the last panel. I’ll be signing it to the auction winner.
This auction also features some crazy stuff like visits to the sets of big TV shows, signed props and scripts, personal lunches with big stars, etc. Great stuff for a worthy cause.
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