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Oscar Nominee MAD-libbing
February 26th, 2011 | Posted in MAD Magazine
MAD writers Arnie Kogen, Dick DeBartolo and Desmond Devlin were tasked by CBC Radio to come up with MAD style titles for the 2011 Oscar nominated films. In this short radio interview, they compare what they came up with and discuss a little about their thought process (or lack thereof). I would make a joke about their having faces made for radio, but that is too obvious.
Many thanks to Doug Gilford of the excellent MAD Cover Site and the MAD Mumblings forum for the heads up!
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mad inspire me……………
I’ve always loved Mad movie titles. I came up with, “The King’s Speech impediment” for a cartoon on my blog a little while ago.
The King’s Screech
127- How Weird
Hack Swan
The Futile
The Kids Are All Trite
Toys Dorky 3
Winter’s Groan