Pittsburgh Workshop is On!
The dates for my workshop in Pittsburgh this summer are finally set… June 9th-11th! The workshop will take place at the Comfort Inn & Suites RIDC Park. Click here for all the details and to reserve your spot.
This will be the last workshop I schedule for 2017. I have some spots still available in the other ones currently scehduled:
- Eagan, MN: April 28-30th, 2017- 4 spots left
- Eagan, MN: May 5-7th, 2017- 8 spots left
- Pittsburgh PA: June 9-11th, 2017- Just Listed!
- Munich, Germany: July 7-9th, 2017- ONLY 1 spot left!
- Long Island City, NY: Aug 8-10 2017- 5 spots left
If any of these locations are near enough to you to travel there for the class, and you are really interested in doing this, don’t wait for me to come to your backyard. I will do a few workshops in 2018 (at least one here in MN), but I will not be doing this many in a year again. If traveling to Minnesota is within your budget, I’d recommend jumping on one of the two upcoming very soon here. They are unique in that the first day’s event take place in my home studio, so you get a “peek behind the curtain” so to speak and I show you how I do my work right in the space where I do it every day. Plus The Lovely Anna makes cookies.
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