Richmond Illustration Inc.
Possible Workshop Locations in 2018?
September 5th, 2017 | Posted in General
Next week is my last workshop of 2017, and I’m starting to think about possible locations for 2018. I am close to finalizing plans for a couple in the L.A. area in January, and I have already scheduled one in Switzerland in conjunction with a cartooning school neat Zurich in August. I am thinking seriously of doing one in Atlanta in February, but have nothing scheduled yet.
Now’s your chance to let me know where you’d like me to come and do a workshop, as I am conducting an informal poll today. If I get a lot of responses with interest in a particular area I will look into doing one there. Just drop me a line!
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Atlanta would be great !
If you consider Vancouver BC or even Seattle, I’d sign up
One vote for Denver Colorado. Thanks.