Posting from my iPhone!
Okay, this is more than a little geeky, but nonetheless pretty cool. Other than the pic above, I did this entire post directly from my iPhone!
One of the more annoying things about the iPhone’s web capabilities is it’s absence of flash support. Since my blog software, WordPress, uses flash for much of its dashboard functionality, that means I have never been able to post directly from my iPhone… at least until I installed this nifty plugin called WPhone. I think my pal Cedric told me about it a while ago but for some reason I never went and got it.
It works pretty well, but with limitations. I can’t seem to be able to upload a picture (added one above after the fact), or easily add one already uploaded. I can do a hyperlink, but need to manually add the HTML tags. I can choose a category, add tags, turn on or off comments and pings, create a custom “slug” and preview.
I’m told WP is working on a native iPhone app for more full featured accessibility.
You can find more info here: WPhone Plugin Website .
UPDATED: Looks like WordPress is a lot closer to getting a native iPhone app than I thought:
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Tom, the native app is out on the AppStore (for free) as of this morning… I downloaded it to try it on our family blog, but it crashed on me twice already! Maybe you’ll have better luck.