Pre-Order The Book Now!

Ordering is now online for my book, The Mad Art of Caricature! The book will ship in September, but by popular demand pre-ordering is now underway. Here are your ordering options:
- Signed book: $24.95
- Signed book plus sketch of Alfred: $39.95
- Signed book plus random original caricature art* from the book: $49.95
- Signed book plus sketch of Alfred and random original caricature art*: $59.95
Shipping & handling:
- $5.00 in the U.S
- $10.00 for Canada
- $15 for any other country via US Postal International Flat Rate.
* Regarding the original art option- these are celebrity caricature drawings that appear in the book. Most are former “Sketch of the Week” pencil drawings, which I scanned in and added digital grayscale to for print. I have exactly 100 of these, and they are sure to sell out quickly. This option goes to the first 100 people that choose it, and then I will remove the option from the ordering menu. If I get flooded with orders for the original art option and don’t get it removed in time to prevent over 100 orders I will issue a refund for that $25 with my apologies to those who ordered it too late.
Payments are processed through PayPal, where you can pay with either your PayPal account or via credit card.
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Hi Tom
I very interested in buying the book! What kind of tutorials does it contain? Those which is already available on your website or others and more comprehensive tutorials?? 🙂
Kind regards
Lasse Bjerregrav
The tutorials on the blog are incorporated into the book, but expanded upon and there are chapters dealing with the other features of the face, other things like the neck and shoulders, posture, drawing the different sexes, specifics on live drawing techniques, doing caricature for publication and for MAD, etc.
Just pre-ordered mine..looking forward to it..
[…] he’s taking pre-orders now with options of signed copies, copies with original art or both. Visit his website for details and pricing or do what I did and just go buy a […]
Purchased! 🙂 Looking forward to it!
Just bought the $59.95 option to support this wonderful blog! Can’t wait for mid-September!!!
Ordered… book, original artwork, and Alfred! Lock it up.
y para latino america, ¬øhabra una versi??n? yo lo compraria!!! es genial
Sweet, expect my order soon… as soon as I get home and ask my wife.
I ordered mine, but there is no option to add an address other than PayPal address (other country).
I just send you an email with US mailbox.
Thanks Tom,
Order placed. Awesome!
Ordered the whole package deal. And I’m going out on a limb here…if you have a Clint Eastwood sketch, my husband and I would LOVE it. I figure it doesn’t hurt to ask. 🙂
Just ordered. Can’t wait!
Hi Tom,
Just pre-ordered my book and original artwork; so looking forward to it.
Love all your tutorials, thank you so much for sharing.
Just pre-ordered my book and original artwork;so looking forward to it.
Love your tutorials, thank you
Pre-ordered my book & original artwork-Thank U!
Ordered the full deal! Can’t wait for delivery.
Yeah and also if the Slash sketch is lying around feel free to send it my way! 😀 haha
I’m from Brazil.
Do you send it to Brazil? About shipping how much cost?
Ordered the complete package
I can’t wait…
Chears from the Netherlands!
Ahhhh, The Tom Richmond “how to” caricature book? Just a note; You were worried that because of the last book sales, this one wouldn’t fly! Then I said: yes it would cause you would have to put a “Richmond cartoon spin” on this book! UNLIKE any other caricature/cartoon/drawing book in print TODAY! I am at the 20 comment mark in your blog, & people love it & they didn’t even get it yet! I know you’re a humble man Tom, but hopefully the response you receive from the release of YOUR book will show you how remarkable your work is to others! You are an inspiration to those of us that just love the world of illustration & wish we could be a part of the “Rockwell” Drucker, Davis era! You have done that Tom! Be proud of yourself, we are!
Thank you.
Well done and congratulations Tom…I’ve been a fan for a relatively short time but of all the caricaturists that I researched online while trying to learn this noble and challenging, (go on then…show me your stuff those that scoff) art-form you were the one that illuminated, instructed and inspired me with you wisdom, passion and knowledge of the craft. I’ve been looking forward to having a hard copy for a while and here it is. You are an inspiration Mr Richmond, more power to your nibs, brushes and imagination. Regards Thomas…
Hi Tom Its been awhile ive been working so hard on my new work, ive started two months ago, im oficially graduated from graphic design and im merged with my portfolio right now, comic world wait me UP!!!. At last your masterpiece its now on our hands i can order it till the end of the month, i cant wait to have it. Take care.
Hoy dibujo caricaturas, por que segui los tutoriales que desinteresadamente publicaste.
Muchas Gracias.
Por cierto, ya hice mi pre-orden
Looking forward to reading it.
Hey Tom…
You change my entire caricature style as a revolution!
Anyways,how i can i get your book in Iran?
Plz recommend me another way to buy your book in Iran
Thanks a lot
Hi Tom! A long long time waiting for a book from you. I just ordered my copy!!!! Thanks for your art!
From Argentina