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The Lovely Anna and I are in New York City this weekend to celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary (actually that’s not officially until Wednesday) and to see the Brendt Toast Gang’s art show featuring the work of a long time and very good friend, Ed Steckley.
Ed is a very talented illustrator and cartoonist, as well as being one of the best live caricaturists I have ever seen… and that’s saying something as I have seen some thousands of them. He does a lot of storyboard work for commercials that you have probably seen on TV, as well as publication work including a piece in MAD some years back. For the show he did six beautifully painted watercolors of classic pin up girls but drawn in his distinctive half caricature/half realistic style. Ed was a manager for me for many years in my Six Flags parks in Missouri and in Massachusetts, and started drawing caricatures for me at Valleyfair in 1992… so we go a ways back.
Ed just launched a revamp of his website the other day, which is well worth the visit. It’s got a great, retro garage theme and some fun flash animations (without being flash heavy) and of course is chock full of terrific artwork. He even has a blog now, which I’m looking forward to following to keep uop with his latest antics.. uh… work.
So, go visit Ed’s new website via one of the links above or on my blogroll under “Usual Gang of Idiots”.
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Congratulations on 21 great years. You are now legal.
He is quite a talent. It doesn’t hurt that he’s very funny as well. I like the garage them too.
Congratulations of 21 years of marriage to you and TLA.