Richmond Illustration Inc.
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November 17th, 2006 | Posted in General
It’s not too often I recommend a website, but every once and a while you come across someone who’s work is just a plain old must see. Illustrator Chris Wahl is one of those artists.
Here’s a caricature demo video of his, one of several you’ll find on his blog.
Inspirational stuff. This is an example of simply fantastic drawing.
I’ve never met, talked to, emailed or otherwise interacted with Chris. Nonetheless I am a big fan. Check out his blog and watch his other video demos. I’m hoping to do something similar soon with my next tutorial on digital coloring.
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On an asside, this was a caricature done for the blazing hot “Caricaturist’s Caricatures” thread at the Come join in, draw some of the other members, and you just MIGHT get drawn by Chris yourself.
Hi Tom
Thanks very much for the glowing review of my blog. I’m glad you enjoy what you’re seeing.
Your MAD work is timeless, and I look forward to see more tutorials from you.
Oh and Sendak, I actually drew Tom on that forum topic back in March. The drawing’s a bit on the conservative side compared to what I’m doing now, but it’s on page 54 if you’re interested. Still, post a new photo Tom and I’ll be sure to give it another try.
Chris- you are welcome and well deserved.
WHAT??! I have a Chris Wahl caricature floating around on the internet somewhere? Damn, no I’ll have to go back and click click click to page 54 of that thread and check it out.