Richmond Illustration Inc.
Remaining 2018 Comic-Cons Appearances…
May 11th, 2018 | Posted in News
I’ve got a few more comic-con appearances planned for the rest of 2018, here’s a list of where you’ll find me:
- July 18-22- San Diego Comic-Con: NEW BOOTH LOCATION: H2- Debuting new LE print!
- Aug 23-26- Wizard World Chicago: Artists Alley booth TBD
- Sept 7-9- Rose City Comic Con, Portland: I’ll be a special guest, booth location TBD
- Oct 4-7- New York Comic-Con: Artists Alley booth TBD- Debuting “Sketch o’the Week Vol 2!
You’ll find me and The Lovely Anna at the above this year. Stop in and say hello!
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