Reminder to Join My Mailing List!
I get a lot of people who tell me on Facebook of Twitter or wherever that they didn’t hear about this workshop that just happened close to them or that limited edition print or whatever until it was sold out, and wished they had as they would have liked to participate or get one. It seems some folks only occasionally visit the intensely riveting and regularly updated “Tom’s Mad Blog” rather than visit every day twice a day… who knew?? Okay, 99% of my posts are time wasting stuff, but sometimes I do announce something you might actually want to hear about! How do you ensure you never miss the chance to register for a just-announced workshop, or get that low numbers L.E. print, or know if I’ll be at an upcoming comic-con or not?
Well this will help! Back in November I started a newsletter mailing list you can opt in to that will make sure you hear about new workshops or other major news or announcements as they happen.
This is what the mailing list will do:
- Allow you to subscribe or unsubscribe at any time, with links to do so in each email
- Send out occasional announcements for new workshops, prints, books and stuff in the Studio Store, tell you when new projects I have done are out, etc.
This is what the mailing list will NOT do:
- Share your email address with anybody
- Give you some lame message for you to “please allow 7-10 days for your unsubscribe request to take effect”… like a computer mailing list cannot INSTANTLY add or subtract you from the list at any time.
- Deluge you with constant emails hawking crap… they will only be sent when something really new happens like I announce a new workshop, something I’ve been working on is released, or other significant announcement happens. Yes, I sell stuff online, so there will always be that element, but there is usually something fun to look at or read as well. I try not to just send out sales stuff.
So, sign up if you want to and never miss an announced workshop location and date, new limited edition print, addition of new stuff in the store or other announcements. I will not use this newfound power for evil.
Tom's Newsletter!
Sign up for Tom's FREE newsletter:
- Classic Rock Sketch Series (60)
- Daily Coronacature (146)
- Freelancing (173)
- General (1,657)
- Illustration Throwback Thursday (107)
- It's All Geek to Me! (53)
- Just Because… (1)
- MAD Magazine (918)
- Mailbag (691)
- Monday MADness (454)
- News (1,044)
- On the Drawing Board (160)
- Presidential Caricatures (47)
- Sketch O'The Week (845)
- Stuff from my Studio (21)
- Surf's Up Dept. (29)
- Tales from the Theme Park (17)
- Tom's MADness! (149)
- Tutorials (18)
- Wall of Shame (17)
That’s too bad, Tom. You should ALWAYS use newfound power for evil!!!