Reporting from Comic-Con
Day one of Comic-Con 2013 is in the books. Oddly the crowds did not seem as enormous this year, which can’t be possible because as it’s sold out every day there can’t be more or less people in the place on any given day. Things did get a little crazy around the NCS booth when Jack Black came in to sign the poster for his music festival with illustrator Luke McGarry. We also had Bill Amend (Foxtrot), Jeff Keane (The Family Circus), Chris Sparks (Eisner nominated “Team Cul de Sac” book), Brooke McEldowney (9 Chickweed Lane, Pibgorn), James Lyle (Illustrator), Steve McGarry (Biographic), Greg Evans (Luanne) and myself signing at various times throughout the day. You can find the complete schedule of cartoonists signings for the NCS booth here.
I sat in on a panel for the MAD show on the Cartoon Network with (left to right) Producers Kevin Schnick and Mark Marek, writer Marly Halpern-Graser, me, and voice talents Stephen Stanton and Fred Tatasciore. They announced stuff about the new season, including a full half hour 100th episode.
Also, my Doctor Who print arrived (one day late) and is officially available! I’ll be at the NCS boot hawking it from 1-3 and 5-7 pm today. If you aren’t there, you can order one online here.
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