Richmond Illustration Inc.
Return of Tom’s MAD Blog
June 21st, 2021 | Posted in General

I’ve been MIA for a while here on the blog, and for those frequent visitors and readers I apologize for that. A major job plus a big family wedding plus a family medical crisis plus a make up workshop took me away from the studio and any blogging for a while. The job is complete, the wedding over, the medical crisis is moving in a positive direction and the workshop was just this past weekend. I’ll be back in the studio later today and it will be (almost) business as usual. I’ve got to get back to work on CLAPTRAP and other stuff, but I’ll have time to contribute to the blog as well.
Thanks for sticking around! See you at the drawing board!
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Hey Tom. I was wanting to say that I received the latest Mad in my mailbox, and I found your fantastic work on the cover! Great caricatures of King Kong and Godzilla!
Also, I’m hoping that your daughter Is improving everyday!!!
Take care,
Thanks, Jeff!
Glad things are moving in the right direction. You were missed!