RIP Sharon Sakai
The comic book world is in mourning today.
The wonderfully talented and equally wonderful person, comic book icon Stan Sakai, finally lost his wife Sharon today after a long battle with a brain tumor. Stan and Sharon were like rays of sunshine whenever you ran into them at a comic con or a cartoonist event. I would be hard pressed to think of anyone on this planet that deserved any form of heartbreak or sadness less than the Sakais.
This year the comic’s industry came together to help support Stan, Sharon and their family with a fundraising auction and a book full of tribute art with all the proceeds going to help pay their mounting medical bills. The Sakais have been greatly loved figures in the world of cartooning… many people are keeping Stan and Sharon in their hearts, thoughts and prayers right now. If your worth in this world is measured by the number of people that love you enough to feel your pain and loss at a time like this, Stan and Sharon were rich, indeed.
The only good thing about this is that Sharon is now at peace and her suffering is ended. God Bless, Stan and family. You will all be together again someday.
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Very well said. I grew up reading Usagia Yojimbo and Stan was one of my greatest inspirations in pressuring art, comics and illustration. I’m very disheartened that one of my heros has felt such a loss.
So sorry to hear of the loss. Readings to Stan!????