San Diego Comic-Con 2014
Hard to believe but Comic-Con 2014 is only a week away! I don’t have as hectic a signing schedule as I have had in the past, so I’ll be spending a lot more time at the National Cartoonists Society booth this year… which is good since this is my last year as President of the NCS. Here’s my complete appearance schedule (so far):
Wednesday 7/23 (Preview Night)
- 6 pm-9 pm- NCS Booth #1307
Thursday 7/24
- 10 am-12pm- NCS Booth #1307
- 1 pm-4pm- NCS Booth #1307
- MAD about MAD Panel- 5:30 pm-6:30 pm- Room 4
Friday  7/25
- 11 am- 12 pm- Cartoon Art Museum Sketch-A-Thon Booth #1930
- 1 pm-4pm- NCS Booth #1307
Saturday 7/26
- 10 am-12pm- NCS Booth #1307
- 1 pm-3pm- NCS Booth #1307
Sunday 7/27
- 10 am-12pm- NCS Booth #1307
- 1 pm-3pm- NCS Booth #1307
As always I will be doing sketches, drawing caricatures, and selling original MAD artwork, copies of my book and my prints.
In the next couple of days the NCS website will announce their whole appearance schedule, which includes a big celebrity signing on Thursday and the debut of the 2014 NCS Comic-Con T-shirt which I think will be a big hit.
Hope to see some of you there!
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