San Diego Comic Con 2015!
Hard to believe that San Diego Comic-Con starts one week from tomorrow! I’m already gearing up for the event.
This year will be very different for me, as I will have my own booth! My booth number is I-02, which is located back to back with the great Sergio Aragonés, so it will be a very MAD place to be. Since I have my own space, I will not be at the NCS booth at all this year. In fact, I’ll only be away from my location a couple of times:
On Thursday night I’ll be on the annual MAD about MAD panel with Sergio, editor John Ficarra, art directors Sam Viviano and Ryan Flanders and likely a few other members of the Usual Gang of Idiots. We’ll discuss what kind of shenanegans MAD is up to, give away some prizes and goof off in general. This will all take place from 5:30-6:30 in room 4.
I’ll also be doing a live demo on the Cintiq at the Wacom booth sometime. When I know when I’ll let you know.
Otherwise I’ll be chained to my booth selling my book, original pages from MAD, doing sketches and caricatures and selling my new ‘Presidents Poster” and my Limited Edition prints. Speaking of the latter, be sure and visit here every day from tomorrow until the start of Comic-con for a daily preview of my new 2015 LE print, which debuts in San Diego next Wednesday!
Hope to see you there!
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BTW…Got my awesome signed Presidents Poster…gonna sell like hotcakes! Have fun.