See Me at Indiana Comic Con!
I just got booked as a last minute substitute guest for my fellow MAD man Tom Bunk at Indiana Comic Con next weekend in Indianapolis. Tom had to cancel his appearance at the last second, so the nice folks at ICC asked me if I could fill in for him. I suspect they already had a bunch of MAD “Tom” stuff printed up so this way they saved some dough on reprinting promos, but I am flattered nonetheless!
Anyway, the convention is March 30-April 1st at the Indianapolis Convention center. I’ll have a table in the “guest artists” area somewhere, and am giving a presentation on Friday at 3:30 in room 142.
It’s definitely convention season. I’ll be at Wondercon in Anaheim this weekend, now Indianapolis Comic Con the next weekend, and then April 6-7th I’ll be at C2E2 in Chicago. Whew.
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