Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week- The Horror!
July 31st, 2013 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Sadly another cop-out this week and I am currently in route to St. Simons Island, GA to pay proper respect to the incomparable Jack Davis at the opening of his gallery show in his adoptive hometown. I predict Jack will say “I don’t deserve all this attention!” or some derivative of that about a million times during the festivities. Unlike many people who play at false modestly, he really believes this… it’s part of what makes him Jack Davis.
Anyway, this is the pencil sketch of a recent Marlin workplace poster job. Inks and colored final below. Reports from Georgia to follow.
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I used to do customer support for Electronic Arts–I never knew that many EA executives could be found in cubicles at one time!
Horror has always been a super-dooper inspiration to all and specially to cartoonists who have no limitation in terms of imagination and thrilling thinking. We all need movies based on Terror and Horror but drawn by excellent cartoonists like Tom Richmond. I really hope there are some projects on the matter. We need to have horror topics to see at movie theaters and not only kid stuff. Tom Richmond could add horror to our lives. GeorgeModilevsky in Facebook. Mexico City, Mexico.