Sketch O’The Day
Still haven’t seen Blood Diamond. I’ve heard mixed reviews. Here’s one of Leo DiCaprio:

I spent a bit more time rendering this one than usual.
I’m sorry there hasn’t been much art posted here lately. Mostly I’ve been working on MAD jobs. The powers that be at MAD pointed out to me the other day that even sketches and preliminary drawings done on projects for them are their copyrighted property (MAD is work for hire), and they preferred I did not post any work in advance of the publication of the material in the magazine. I totally understand and respect that, so I will not be posting any sneak peeks or discussing any details of any of the projects I am working on for MAD anymore, other than to say I’m doing a TV or movie parody, or something general like that. Unfortunately that is a large part of the artwork I usually do, so there may be a bit less artwork posted here in the future.
Not to worry, I do plenty of other work for other clients, and will still post sketches and in-progress stuff for other jobs when copyright issues are not involved. Once the MAD stuff is published I should be able to post a teaser with some of the art here, so I’ll perhaps save some of the sketches so I can show a step by step or something. I’ll have to clear that with MAD, so I’ll let you know.
In the meantime, there may be a few more Sketches of the Day that show up. I get sick of typing all the time…
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awesome job! I can’t wait to see some tutorials by you, for now I’ll just copy from every MAD mag until than.
To bad on MAD’s decision, but it’s a respectable one.
I bet this excellent caricature is already hitting the streets of New York to be displayed as the works of someone else.
I understand MAD’s position, so you are doing the right thing. But I sure will miss seeing the art! Be sure to post sketches and final art after it is published, so we can still enjoy the eyecandy!
Also, thanks for the PodBook comments on my blog. You raised a good point, and I’ll definitely be giving it a lot of thought. Thanks!
Fantastic work Tom!
Too funny; DC busted me few years back when I was showing everyone the prelim sketch for a Firestorm pinup I did. Needless to say my editor wasn’t too happy. Boy, did I learn my lesson 🙁
The only thing that looks out-of-place is Leo’s hair. Other than that, it’s great!
Fabulous work, and blog, Tom.