Sketch O’The Day
I’ve been visiting a lot of art blogs lately… there are a ton of them out there and an unbelievable number of great talents as well. One thing I’ve noticed about many of them compared to mine: they have a lot more art. I seem to mostly talk (so to speak).
I like to write so that won’t completely change, but artists like my friend Steve Silver always inspire me with their seemingly unending commitment to draw, draw, draw. It seems like I never draw anymore unless it’s for a job. If you never do it for yourself, it becomes nothing but a job.
So, I’m dusting off my sketchbook and committing myself to doing at least one sketch a day in it. It will be whatever I want it to be… maybe a study of hands or a caricature or a chair. Whatever. I’ll limit it to 30 minutes maximum. It will serve as a warm up each day and get the juices flowing (well, that and Monster Lo-Carb).
Here’s the inaugural Sketch O’The Day: Daniel Craig, the new James Bond. I hope to see the movie sometime soon.

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Your posts are great Tom, keep up the chatter and the sketches!
Hi, Tom, great sketch!!, I love the mouth expression, it’s great to know you’re posting sketches, do you soft leads when loose sketching?
Cool! I’ve really enjoyed your commentary, but it’ll be even better with more art. I saw Casino Royale last night. I think it’s quite possibly the best Bond movie ever. Sean Connery might be losing his position as my favorite Bond. Although, I don’t think anyone will ever top the coolness of Connery’s Scottish brogue.
You nailed him! Great job, Tom!
I love how you work. Great sketch!
Thanks, everybody. I use an HB pencil in a lead holder for 99% of my sketching.
Saw it last night. He HAS replaced Sean as my fave Bond. This was an amazing film. Well acted.
excellent sketching once again!!