Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
July 1st, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Once again, late but better than not at all.
This is a sketch for a possible park sample of the late Michael Jackson. I decided to do one based on his look at a time when he wasn’t a punchline and was still more famous for his music than for his bizarre, and possibly criminal, behavior.
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Awesome caricature, Tom! Nice likeness!
The kid that denounced him for violation said: that his father wanted some money so he told him to say that.
Awesome caricature! Love how you captured his face and body movement.
In my personal opinion-there is no disputing MJ was a phenomenal song and dance man. MJ was perhaps “one of the” greatest dancers in history. The moves he created were mind blowing.
As a person? I think he was a lunatic. A grown man sleeping with strangers kids on his bed? How did these kids ID his privates? When MJ dangled his own kid over a hotel balcony in London to the crowd was lunacy. So many celebrities blame their odd behavior and addictions on their parents,the paparazzi,their fame etc.
This of course while they enjoy the lavish financial bounties courtesy of the things they blame.
Nice one Tom – great expression and pose.
very nice tom!
I always thought Michael had a pointy chin, but there is no mistaking the likeness here! I would enjoy discussion on capturing body language of people…can we recognize someone Without a head??? Angie Jordans, Robin Williams is a great example of that.
Great MJ caricature!