Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
March 24th, 2010 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week we continue our ink-wash sketches of the characters of the TV show “LOST” with Terry O’Quinn AKA John Locke AKA Smokey the Monster.
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Those eyes and that mouth are so dead-on…I didn’t realize how distinctive Terry O’Quinn’s mouth was until I saw this ink wash sketch. Love the smoke… 🙂
That’s Awesome!
Haha! Love the smoke…nice touch 🙂
love the look of this, Tom, but it’s so tight and controlled – not what I’d think of as watercolor, normally – no happy accidents.
It’s not watercolor, it’s ink wash. Ink is even less forgiving than watercolor as it’s waterproof/permanent the minute it’s dry.
IMO “happy accidents” are overrated.
Thanks for the comments, everybody! I promise to do a few more obscure characters as well as the main ones in the coming weeks. Requests are welcome.
Locke looks more realistic than the other Lost characters in water col… ink wash!
How about Faraday?
Awesome Tom!
I don’t know if I’ve missed you doing Richard…I’d love to see him done in the ink wash…he’s very attractive but very creepy at the same time.
I love this Tom. You got him, “Locke” stock and barrel.
Hi Tom it looks more realistic, that smoke coming from inside of the t-shirt its unique it looks like he was the super mean guy or just a bad smell because of their situation you let it up to our minds, thats art. Take care.
Hey Tom – I really like how this ink wash “style” is working for you. Very nice!
I know this might sound crazy but I think this is one of your best!!!(Maybe because I’m a LOST fanatic???)
Love this drawing‚Äö√Ñ√Æit’s dead on. I have a birthday in November. Jus’ sayin’.