Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 14th, 2010 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I’ve got trouble, Brotha!
Better late than never today! Continuing our series of ink-wash sketches of characters from “LOST”, this week’s subject is one of my favorite characters, Desmond Hume as portrayed by Henry Ian Cusick.
BTW- due to many requests I have set up a page with all the caricatures from this little LOST sketch series collected in it. You can see it here and always find a handy link under “Pages” on the top of my blogroll on the right of any blog page.
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Best character, awesome sketch. I love your ink-wash sketches.
Hi Tom like always incredible sketch i just cant like it more, it makes me want to do my own art work with this tecnique. Take care.
WOOOooooooo! excellent my buddy, I’m a great admirer of your work …
Thanks, folks! I am kind of surprised there was so little response to this one… it’s one of my favorites I’ve done so far.
Good one Tom. He is my favorite character.
Unequivocally my favorite Lost episodes center around Desmond (the one this final season could be my all time favorite episode). I didn’t even watch the first season and what really grabbed me when I started watching season 2 when it aired was Desmond living alone in the hatch. Great one as usual.