Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 21st, 2010 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
We continue our ink wash caricature sketches of the characters from the TV show “LOST” with the brooding Josh Holloway, who plays James “Sawyer” Ford.
Josh is one of only two actors from the show I have ever met. You can read the entire story of the meeting here, but the short version is that I got him to sign a print of my splash page from the LOST parody in MAD, and he was genuinely thrilled to have been drawn in MAD. He asked how he could get hold of a print like the one I had, and complimented me on the artwork. I also met Maggie Grace who played Shannon at the same time. She was equally enthusiastic about having the show lampooned in MAD.
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Love his jaw!
Incredible caricature, Tom. You captured his brooding demeanor perfectly.
You should send these in to Entertainment weekly. I really really love this style.
Great work, as usual, sir.
I love comparing these to your original MAD parody. The extra time getting to know the characters and actors over the years – as opposed to the crash course you had to take from season one for the MAD piece – really shows.
I’d have to agree that does make a difference, but honestly I think my improvement as an artist since I did that parody in MAD has as much to do with it.
Ha, it’s Sawyer all right! I reread your old post about the parody, and I was curious what is your feelings toward the show now that is nearing completion. Do you thing the ending will be stunning or disapointing?
No idea. I have faith in the writers that they’ll come up with a satisfying ending… unlike The Sopranos.
You are really outdoing yourself on these, Tom. Love the sloping shoulders. And the hair.
=) mm i love this style of yours, i’m unsure of how you acheive it though, its a much more fuller caricature, with a much “meatier” face. =) i really like them =)
Nice. Really liked your story about getting Lost signatures.
NIce one, Tom!
Beautiful work, Tom. Spot on. I really love the wash technique.
OK, ok THIS is my new favorite Tom. Wow you REALLY captured the character ESPECIALLY with the squinting eye and all. BRAVO!!!!
Hi Tom i really love this drawing it captures completely his look, just amazing. Take care.