Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
July 21st, 2010 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Usually I completely avoid drawing reality TV “stars” as they don’t need more encouragement or even as mild an extension of their mostly undeserved 15 minutes of fame as my modest little blog provides. However since I had already stooped to drawing his therapy-bound kids and his fame-seeking horror of an ex-wife, I figured I might as well do the trifecta and draw the deplorable Jon Gosselin. This one is a little different, done with a fine tip pen.
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Very nice
you don’t need no a crow quiil pen
I hope you threw away the pen when you were done. I’d hate for Gosselin’s immense douchiness to somehow infect future artwork done with that (once) fine-tip pen.
Ugh, you make him just radiate sleaze out of every inch of his face. I love it.
Great drawings of the Gosselins, both his and hers with the kids. You did more than just capture their likeness, you communicated exactly what I feel about them. Sad for those kids. The parents are pathetic. Fame for nothing.
Talk about serendipity, Tom…I just did a Gosselin family caricature for a popular anti-blog about them— and they (and I) unveiled it the same day you put up your Jon!
The talk now is that Kate and Sarah Palin are going to get together and camp out (Kate is in AK right now and both have shows on TLC). The caricature possibilities for THAT are endless!