Sketch o’the Week
This week’s sketch is of a rather obscure subject. I was catching up on some Netflix movies in the home theater the other day and I watched “28 Weeks Later”, the not so great sequel to the pretty good “28 Days Later” apocalyptic horror film. The character of Tammy was played by a young English actress with the unusual name of Imogen Poots. She had a very haunting look with heavy eyelashes/eyeliner and icy turquoise eyes, a strongly angular face shape with a distinctive nose and bruised looking lips. Quite an arresting look that inspired me to draw her. Anyway, I did this one partly from the memory of the disheveled look of her “28 Weeks Later” character and partly from a few photos from teh interwebby. It’s a brutal caricature of a quite lovely girl and I’m sure her mom would yell at me should she see it.
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Yes, her name….it reminds me of something….
“….what to do in a crowded, smelly elevator” for the win…Alex!
Hi Tom nice sketch i like the way you do her look, its very intimidating, great as always. Take care.
Luckily, that girl doesn’t have an A at the end of her first name…
And in today’s news, Imagena Poots-
EWWWW!!!! Your gonna what?
Yes… her name is odd alright. I’m assuming it’s her actual name and not a stage name based on the notion that no one would choose that as a stage name. Given that assumption is correct, the old adage comes to mind: Three things you can’t pick are your name, your relatives and your nose in civilized company.