Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
October 20th, 2010 | Posted in General
While visiting the theme parks here in Orlando this week I got the above idea for a possible promotion Disney could do for the upcoming “Cars 2” movie by modifying their motorized rental scooters. Something tells me not to bother submitting it to Disney World for consideration…
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Tremendous sketch! 🙂
hmm maybe it can be a Cars Wall-E crossover. 🙂
This could easily represent another Saturday at Wal-Mart as well. lol My wife gets so mad when she sees people in those things.. hehe I worked their before college and I can’t tell you how many times I heard those motors audibly seeming to scream for help as they struggled to handle the load… or the amount of times people “broke down” and I was forced to retrieve them another cart to reek havoc on. lol
HAHAHAHA! Ouch!! It looks like a combination of “Cars” and one of the humans from “Wall-E”!
Feel free to stop by the caricature stand and say “hey” if you go to Animal Kingdom!
Was at AK today but didn’t know anyone at the location. Keelan told me you were doing a gig. Next time.
I have seen that guy at Disneyland too
You really caught his look
This perfectly captures and immediately reminds me of by far one of the best “happy accident” findings I have ever stumbled on. Enjoy!
So funny! The more I look at it, the more it makes me giggle… :oD
Aside from the – as allways – awesome artwork, this has got a somewhat subversive streak to it. It is very good!
Ha. I did a similar picture for kicks a while ago.
Whoops. forgot to post the link to the picture –