Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
January 19th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is of actor Sean Penn. This was done from a relatively small picture in an entertainment magazine. I liked the turned head angle and odd, mid-sentence expression.
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Don’t really see Sean Penn Nice drawing though
That’s the 1st one I think of yours that I didn’t see a likeness
Hi Tom nice expression it really captures hes personality. Take care.
Recognized him immediately. Actually think it’s amazing. And it’s got a sort of boldness and presence I always admire in your sketches. Thanks for sharing!
Nice sketch Tom, but besides the great Mort Drucker & Jack Davis, you are the only caricature artist that can nail a likeness just about 100% of the time! But I’m sorry this one fell a little short. But who the hell am I to say anything, I just draw as a hobby,lol! Still like the sketch though, just sayin!
I’m liking it less as the day goes on, but it’s not a total miss IMO. Flawed, however.
Tom you rock, I appreciate your blog, your hard work and commitment to the art form is inspiring and makes me want to be a better artist and BTW (drawing is not just a hobby for me) 🙂 On your behalf all back seat drawers can bite me!! lol
tough crowd!
You guys are crazy– I already knew it was Penn before I scrolled down to the text. You’re getting too hung up on the exaggerated shnoz. The eyes and forehead are aces, and the mouth is perfect.
the expression isnt a sean penn signature but i still knew who it was before i even scrolled to the mouth. solid work as always.
do you have a cold and hard rule about when to show the ear on the other side of the head? alot of caricatures have the ears stick out a bit for humor/cartoon effect, so sometimes when the head is at a 3/4 angle i’ll have the far ear visible, even if its not visible on the reference pic. this is an example where i would be on the fence about it.
Hi Tom….This is the first time I’m going to say your drawing of Sean Penn doesn’t really capture the likeness….unlike ALL your other caricatures – which are spot-on.