Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
February 23rd, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I am beyond swamped after both my vacation and my unexpected two day layover in Phoenix, so this will have to do as “Sketch o’the Week” this week. This is one of the panels from my parody of “Mad Men” in MAD #508, sketched on bristol board prior to inking. This panel features Jessica Par?¬© as Megan and Jon Hamm as Don.
Hopefully MAD will finally let me post a sneak peek at the artwork soon. The issue is out and has been for weeks, but there is some kind of special something or another going on with it and they asked me to wait to post any of the finished art. MAD just gave me the thumbs up on posting a sneak peek, so look for that tomorrow!
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Just luuuv her overbite! Don, you lucky dog!
The whole spoof was awesome, Tom. Mad Men is a show I obsess over and you nailed every detail – Bert Cooper’s socks, secondary characters like Freddy Rumsen and Miss Blankenship. Perfection.
Thanks, glad you liked it. Tomorrow I’ll post some of the art for those who might not have seen it.