Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 20th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s subject is actress Sarah Jessica Parker. She is not the classic beauty, having a very long, angular, and “horsey” sort of face. Her nose is an obvious feature to exaggerate, but I’ve always been struck by how big and square her jaw is much more than her nose.
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you forgot that mole on her chin!! looks great Tom!!
Nick, She had the mole removed 2 years ago. Did you not see SITC2 five times like me?
oops!! I guess I should pay more attention to that part of the movie… I’ll go back and watch it for the first time… i’ll even watch the special features to make up the difference. 😉
Love the art but love the paragraph and explanation on this one as well. Really serves as inspiration.
One of life’s great mysteries (to me, at least) has been the rise and enduring popularity of Sarah Jessica Parker…quite possibly one of Earth’s homeliest women.
Thanks for unmercifully capturing her in all her mannish, horse-faced glory….much like the highly recommended Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like a Horse website: