Sketch o’the Week
It will be interesting to see how many people recognize this week’s SotW subject. She’s not famous for being on TV or in the movies, but I am sure many thousands of people will know exactly who she is. My only hint is to say I’ve been flying on a lot of airplanes lately.
UPDATE: For all of you hopelessly guessing subjects who in no way resemble the above caricature, the drawing above is Katherine Lee aka “Deltalina”, the “star” of Delta Airlines pre-flight safety video:
If you’ve been on a Delta flight in the last 4-5 years, you’ll recognize her. The video is oddly arresting and entertaining, and Deltalina has a very interesting look, especially her mouth.
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“Smoking is not allowed at any time …”
Someone has been flying with delta 🙂
Cameron Diaz
Nope. Again, NOT famous for movies or TV.
Fergie from The Black Eyed Peas
Chrissy Faessen “Rock the Vote!”
excellent job! it looks just like her, makes me want to buckle up and take a nap.
She’s the reason I pay attention now to the flight attendants instructions.
Sexy, and with that scolding type finger waving about smoking not being allowed.
I always wait for that moment.
Well done, Tom!
Hahahahaha!!! Tom, you’re terrific!! 🙂 That’s my fave safety instruction video. I wish more airlines had more fun with their boring instructions 🙂
Katherine Lee … The Delta “No Smoking” Flight Attendant!
Jilliam Michaels!
Jillian Michaels?
Hey Tom its been a while but im back, just amazing skecth as always; this was a hard one i coldnt recognized her, its amazing that i only saw her lips all the time in the video. Take care
Great drawing, Tom! She’s spooky in the video though, speaking as she does of disaster and mayhem and what to do, all the while holding that fabulous smile.
No, No, No… Superb Capture Tom 🙂 She is Perfect Figure for Caricature!!
HA! I usually fly American but flew Delta to Jamaica in July. With the connecting flights I saw that video 4 times. It was bugging me trying to figure out where I’d seen that face until you mentioned flying in your hint. Great job!!