Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
January 2nd, 2013 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I wasn’t planning on posting any more of these caricatures done for the Limited Artist’s Edition of my book, but then I received several emails from people who said they really liked seeing the caricature AND the references I worked from. They thought it was a useful learning tool. So, I will occasionally throw one of these up as a SotW. This one is of Yougeshwar “BJ” Ramkissoon Jr., aged 13, and a budding caricaturist/cartoonist.
Incidentally, I am officially at the halfway point of my 120 limited copies of this offer. If you have an interest in this one-of-a-kind, never to be repeated offer, then I’d advise you to order soon.
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Wow Tom! Your caricature looks AMAZING!!! How long did it take you to do that? And did you use ink to draw it?
Glad you like it. Took about 30 minutes all told, that seems tot be my average time although I spend longer on some. Yes, it’s ink. “ZIG Memory System- Millennium, for Drawing & Scrapbooking” by Kuretake, sized 08, 05, 01.
I’d like a book with a nifty awesome caricature of myself and all that but I already got a book :/ hahahaha
This is the best caricature i have ever seen! Great job