Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 23rd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Not very ambitious this week, but here’s a very quick and cartoony study of George W. Bush. It was actually one of several sketches I did early on in a product illustration job that I just wrapped up.
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That’s one of the best Bush caricatures I’ve seen in a while. Dead-on likeness!
I love the simplicity of it! The cartoony style reminds me of the old “Benchley” comic strip by Mort Drucker. I’ve often thought that comic strip was a little before its time. I know it was short lived, but I can’t help but think that in today’s political climate, with John Stewart, Stephen Colbert and the like, it would thrive if given the chance to resurface.
Great work as always, Tom. And I want to say that I really appreciate the effort you put into your blog. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a reach to say that you’ve become an electronic mentor to countless artists, like myself, who quietly and appreciatively soak up the wealth of knowledge you share on a daily basis. Thanks so much!
Nice! He looks confused as always!
that theres a good dandy likeness of dubya right ther. We dont git that kinda stuff down here in Mississippi.
Not sure how I feel about your user name, “tomrichmondgeek”, but thanks for the comments.
good nice