Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
September 10th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is a study of fashion maven Donatella Versace. I came across the reference photo in a tabloid article called “Plastic Surgery Shockers!” There’s not much more to say… except this could be Madonna on a bad day.
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I saw those photos, GREAT likeness
that is scary! She said was trying to feline like Yikes
I saw those photos, too. (Could you imagine what those lips would look like after sucking on a lemon or two?)
Terrific sketch. I’m guessing the stray hair floating in front of her right eye was a post-scan, digital addition?
Hilarious likeness… Could be Steven Tyler on a bad day too.
sadly, it doesn’t look like a caricature,,, well, at least her face looks like a walking talking caricature!! great job as always!
I made an account JUST so I could remind ya that you said you’d draw me, and I won’t be forgetn’ that mister! That and, well, I’m going to be glued to this machine for the rest of the year anyways since I’m not out working outside for days on end. I’ll sure miss those sweaty, noisy park days. Did I ever tell you about the pickle incident? -CBC
My policy on pickle incidents at the park is “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Oh, and don’t worry… I’ll draw ya.
Hahaha, I’m sure either way that it sounds, it’s still unpleasant.
Awesome, you’re the best! -CBC