Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
September 17th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Here’s one I’ve been meaning to draw for a while now… some faces are just made to be caricatured. Hugh Laurie, star of the TV show “House“.
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I knew I wasn’t crazy.
His eyebrows hardly show up at all for someone with such an excess of hair everywhere else.
Nice hatching.
– Corbett
Fantastic sketch Tom. You’ve got him spot on.
Hugh Laurie is best known in the States for his role in ‘House’ but in the UK his most famous role is in the sitcom ‘Blackadder goes forth’ which is hilarious if you ever get the chance to watch it.
Dang Tom, This is AMAZING!!! Lovet, Lovet, Lovet! He’s got that upside-down candy corn shaped head and melting forehead/brow-bone thing going on too. I also love the stubble! Your sketches of the week continue to astound me!
Another character that begs to be drawn is Keifer Sutherland ( Jack Bauer version). He has a similar creased/pointed upper lip like Hugh Laurie.
Geat job Tom! You answered a question that has always plagued me with drawing Jim Morrison, the brows. The first thing that struck me about this was the lack of eye brows, and it works perfectly. How does this affect the colorization process? maybe it doesn’t at all. As usual you nailed your subject, boy that could be taken a couple of ways. Again great job.
This one is amazing !!! the facial hair looks great ! that’s one thing that’s always been a problem when I try to draw it…
please resume your tutorials soon 🙂
Supoib! I think this is my new favorite. The shadows really pop out on this one – I think you should do a full color finish on it sometime!
You nailed him. Another reason I hate you! 🙂
I seriously think this is one of your best caricatures.
Wow, that should defiantly be a Park Sample!
I loved the caricature of Hugh Laurie Tom. I like how you exaggerated under his lower lip like he had two big pinches of chewing tobacco stuffed in each side.
His face looks like a skeleton skull barely covered with flesh.
What amazes me about Hugh is-how well he hides his English accent for his character and how on TV interviews his English accent is very heavy.
Like U.K. born singers don’t sound U.K. at all when they sing on their recordings.
Tom, I’ve become a bigger fan of yours in recent months. I find myself stopping by your blog daily to read about what’s on your mind and off of your drawing table. I have to say that this caricature of Hugh Laurie has my vote for one of your most targeted efforts. Wonderful!
Thanks, everybody!
Wowwww!! this one is amazing!! you are sooo good!! x