Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch O’The Week
August 15th, 2007 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Very quick study of Stacy “Fergie” Fergusen from the Black Eyed Peas. I may work it up into a park sample.
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Perfect likeness!
Have you ever noticed when drawing celebrities from photos (of which you’ve drawn thousands via photos) that some of them start looking like other celebrities? Like above-if Fergies lips were tilted to the left she would resemble Kirstie Alley.
To nail a celebrity caricature so perfect where you don’t need to identify them with even their first name on the drawing is so impressive.
You could show a celebrity caricature to 40 different people and you may get 10 different guesses.
Thats why I love the work of the Al Hirschfeld,Mort Drucker,Karl Hubenthal etc. Because they were so fantastic they could caricature their subjects (even the Olsen Twins) and they’d be instantly recognizable without ID.
I think it’s the eyebrows and the small forehead that gives her the Kirstie Alley resemblance. The eye shapes are similar also.
I think I’ll need to give her more hair mass if I want to use it as a sample.
Thanks for the kind words.
Looking great Tom!
Hot enough, but not quite as hot as the original…