Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 1st, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Continuing the theme of 80’s rock stars I liked as a kid as they look today, here’s a sketch of everyone’s favorite heavy metal elf, Ronnie James Dio. Dio had (still has, I think) this amazingly powerful voice that looked downright bizarre coming out of a 5’4″ slip of a guy who must have weighed barely 100 lbs. He gained stardom as the lead singer of Rainbow, did two studio and one live albums with Black Sabbath after Ozzy left, then headlined his own band Dio. I still love the Sabbath albums.
In case you haven’t noticed, I was a serious metal head in high school. While my musical tastes have expanded greatly, I still love that old head-banging rock… but no hair bands, PLEASE.
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Cool caricature. If you liked the Sabbath albums with Dio be sure to check out their new release “The Devil You Know” coming April, 28 under their current name “Heaven and Hell”. (Same band members)
Awesome as usual!
Holy Diver – one of the best Dio albums. Great caricature!
That’s an awesome sketch, I love it. Dio is the greatest
Did you sport the mullet or the rat tail??
If ya never seen Ronnie James Dio live your missing out!! He is great live as he is in the records!! Awesome tribute caricature to him!!
I saw him with “Dio” on the Holy Diver tour.
Thats awesome!!
I saw him twice. Once with Dio opening with Motorhead for Iron Maiden and the second time was with Black Sabbath on the Heaven and Hell tour.
Haha right on Tom