Sketch o’the Week
The International Society of Caricaturist Artists does a daily sketch challenge on thier private forum where they pick a celebrity who’s birthday is that day, and a bunch of artists do a caricature of him or her. Lots of fun and some great sketches. I wish I had time to participate more, but alas that’s impossible. Yesterday as I was searching for a subject for the “Sketch o’the Week” I checked into the ISCA forum and found April 7th’s birthday target was the great film director Francis Ford Coppola, so I thought for once I’d participate via my weekly sketch. So here is my stab at the Oscar winning filmmaker… and a good wine maker as well. The Lovely Anna and I particularly enjoy his Rubicon bordeaux wines.
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Nice one!
As much as I love some of his movies, my favorite concerning Coppola might be Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, a documentary about the making of Apocolypse Now, which nearly broke, drove crazy or killed many involved. Riveting stuff.
Nice sketch Tom but Cabernet Sauvignon is the best 😉
Beautiful sketch Tom!