Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 15th, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
In honor of our visit this week to London, here is England’s future king, Charles, Prince of Wales. We will be visiting Windsor castle today with friend and fellow caricaturist Steve Hearn. I’ll say hi to Chuck if I see him.
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Nice Tom, hopefully he won‚Äö√Ñ√¥t see your sketch before you are welcomed in – great likeness!!
Tom, there’s a link for an online casino showing up in the feed for this post. Might want to check you haven’t been hacked.
Hmmm. I found and deleted that, but somebody hacked their way in. WordPress has more holes than a sieve.
Are you up to date on your WP version? Exploitable vunerabilities tend to be in the older versions.
The modelling on the Charles is exceptional by the way. Really convincing mass.
Yes, up to date. The new WP is easy to keep updated.
This is just awesome! Your frequent sketches are right up there with my daily dose of coffee and a roll.
Please keep it going and above all show this to Chuck if you can?
Take Care,
Lol. Love it!
Tom, this one is incredible.
the first time i looked at this today, I thought it was good, but not amazing. Something about though made me want to keep going back to the sketch and look at it. It was like it kept growing on me, and now I think it is like joe bluhm said – “INCREDIBLE!!” Great job!
Excellent drawing. I thought the Queen will give the crown to his son.
Charles may abdicate and pass the crown right to William upon her death or her abdicating, but from what I have read she cannot abdicate and hand the crown to anyone but the next in line for the throne… and that is Charles.
i’like the shape ! excelent
Take Care,