Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week
April 29th, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Here’s another quick study attempt at actress Amy Adams. I did one a few months ago I was not too happy with. This one is certainly less of an exaggeration and still not quite on target. This was from a small picture where she is in her role of Amelia Earhart from the “Night in the Museum” sequel.
Update- Here’s a scan of the reference I used. My observations keyed in on her big, round eyes and small, thin mouth.
Image from Entertainment Weekly used
under Fair Use.
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Still think it looks great!
Amy Adams is one of those celebrities with a really elusive face. In fact, even PHOTOS of her can seem dramatically different from one another. I’ll sometimes be surprised that’s it’s her in photos I see of her.
That reminds me of another actress that very few people can get a solid likeness of: Sarah Michelle Gellar of “Buffy” fame. I have no idea why.
I have found that true of Adams as well. It does not help that I still haven’t seen her in any films or on TV. I have uploaded a scan of the picture I worked from to demonstrate where I was coming from.
well done … what size do you work at?
Tom, I’m curious what other celebrities (if any) you’ve found difficult to caricature.
I think your next sketch of the week should be Kristin Chenoweth…
Great drawing dude! But , uh, ya missed ’em buddy.
well in the photo she looks pretty young and maybe the chin makes her look older,otherwise it is pretty right on…