Sketch o’the Week (and Some News)
Please forgive this reposting of an old sketch, but in light of events today I thought it appropriate.
I am headed out this morning to Washington DC to meet up with a group of cartoonists from the National Cartoonists Society, and then we are off on another USO tour to met and draw for US troops like we did last year at this time. The trip is a little different this year, because after stops to visit wounded soliders in DC and then Landstuhl, Germany, we are off to the Persian Gulf to spend several days doing the same with active servicemen in both Kuwait and Iraq. I will be back on Oct. 24th.
As of this writing the USO had still not issued the official press release for this trip, although it’s been mentioned on it’s official 2009 USO “Entertainment tour” scheduled as dates “TBD” for some time. Here’s the list of those going from that USO page:
- Jeff Bacon (Broadside/Greenside)
- Chip Bok (Editorial Cartoonist)
- Bruce Higdon (Punderstatements)
- Rick Kirkman (Baby Blues)
- Jeff Keane (Family Circus)
- Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine)
- Mike Peters (Mother Goose and Grimm)
- Michael Ramirez (editorial cartoonist for Investors Business Daily)
- Tom Richmond (MAD Magazine)
- Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury)
I have no idea how often or much I can blog during this trip, but I will attempt to update things as much as possible. Certainly upon my return I will have full details.
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Have a great time! I’ll bet the soldiers really get a kick out of it. Hope it really brightens their day.
Thats cool! Have a fun, and safe, trip.
My sincerest thanks to you and the rest for doing this!