Sketch o’the Week- Capt. Kangaroo!

March 16th, 2022 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Good morning Captain!  This week’s sketch subject is Bob Keeshan better known as Captain Kangaroo!

When I was a little kid in the late 60’s/early 70’s there were four kids TV programs I never missed. Sesame Street, The Electric Company, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood and Captain Kangaroo. Of that batch, Captain Kangaroo had a certain unpredictability and oddball charm the others didn’t have. It wasn’t as structured as the others, was a bit more “slapstick”, and had a tendency to make me laugh more. Anyway the Captain has a special place in my heart, as he does for many people of a certain age. Those of you who understand the significance of the ping pong ball in this drawing will understand.


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